
If you have Medicare or any commercial insurance or Tricare you should be able to get FDA-approved treatment for Opioid addiction, if you suffer from pain pill addiction, heroin, fentanyl, or methadone addiction our medical team can help you to get over the withdrawal symptoms, and cravings and get on the path of Sobriety. Call us and we can do a phone consultation to guide you on what treatment is better for you. Every day according to CDC data many people are losing their lives due to substance abuse. In South West Florida the problem of drugs is out of control and any body can get affected by that. If you or your loved one is suffering from opioid addiction call us now. Help is available !

Whether you have Medicare, MarketPlace, or Tricare Insurance, you should be eligible to qualify for FDA-approved Opioid Addiction Treatment. If you suffer from prescription pill abuse, heroin, fentanyl, or methadone dependency, our dedicated medical team will help you to get the focused care you need. Say goodbye to the withdrawal symptoms and cravings, and get on the path toward your desirable sobriety. Call us for a confidential phone consultation to guide you on the medical treatment for substance addiction that can best help you succeed. According to the CDC, too many people are losing their lives due to untreated substance abuse. South West Florida is not immune to this problem destroying lives and families. If you or a loved one suffering from opioid or alcohol addiction, please call us. Help is available to you now with just a phone call or email. We offer the two most successful medication-assisted treatments (MAT) for opioid addiction. The first is Buprenorphine (suboxone -subutex) and more traditional treatment uses methadone. Suboxone is FDA proven treatment to curb withdrawals from Opioids and help overcome cravings. Buprenorphine has been much safer in terms of medication interactions and toxicity than traditional methadone treatment. If buprenorphine ( suboxone -Subutex ) is taken as directed along with counseling and other behavioral health therapies, it can help a patient to get on the path of long-lasting sobriety.

We will first do a phone consultation and assessment to evaluate the best treatment protocol for you. This, of course, also depends on how you may have responded to previous addiction treatments. Suboxone can give you more freedom to live and work a normal life on a daily basis because you can take the daily doses at home. Call now and experience the ease of seeing a licensed specialized physician for your addiction concerns, just as you may be used to with your primary care physician for any other medical reason. Suboxone and  Subutex are now generic and definitely less expensive than the brand name.

At present, we currently have very few medication-assisted treatments (MAT) options available for opioid addiction. MAT is not the sole option for every individual, but it is an effective treatment for patients who suffer from opioid addiction. The most common well-known MAT is Methadone which the FDA approved half a century ago as a harm-reduction model for patients whose addiction is in highly advanced stages. Methadone treatment is strictly regulated and the dispensing clinics operate on a “ daily dosing ” model. Patients initially come to the clinic each day for their methadone dosing as well as engage in other behavioral treatments. This well-structured treatment regimen is suitable for patients who need highly structured medical care. Other patients may elect to go through traditional 12-step and Narcotics Anonymous ( NA ) meetings to overcome intolerable withdrawals from Opioids and without any medications while learning how to handle the cravings.

Following the massive rise of opioid prevalence in America, the mushrooming of narcotic pain clinics in our communities, and the unchecked quantity of pills being prescribed, more and more people found themselves addicted to pain pills. Unfortunately, in addition to the uncontrolled overprescribing, many found themselves using illegal drugs such as heroin when their prescriptions ran out. Today we are facing a raging fentanyl epidemic that is attractive to millions of people struggling with opioid addiction. Methadone, however, comes with its drawback. Besides the daily clinic dosing, patients can be at risk of toxicity, respiratory depression, medication interactions, and cardiac side effects.

Around the Year 2000, the FDA introduced a new groundbreaking (alternative to methadone ) called Buprenorphine/Naloxone (Suboxone). This medication acts in the same way as methadone, but it is partially agonist on opioid brain receptors, it has a ceiling effect on the dose with the maximum effective dose usually less than 24 mg. Suboxone contains Naloxone(mixed with Narcan), which blocks opioids, has less interaction with other medications, has a higher safety profile, is a schedule III controlled medication, and has a lower toxicity risk and risk of respiratory depression.

We are very pleased to offer South West Florida patients our services in finding the right addiction treatment option to best meet your needs. Most of the time patients have to rely on a “hit and trial ” basis on the streets to judge what treatment will work and what will not. Call us now for more information, we are accepting most major health insurances for outpatient treatment .call 727-222-3116 now or visit our website at

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